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Tsunami Relief Inadequate in Aceh, Indonesia

January 28, 2005

by Kevin Caruso

The province of Aceh, Indonesia was the hardest hit of all of the areas affected by the December 26, 2004 tsunami; and an influx of aid has been sent there to help with the disaster.

But in spite of the aid, one in eight children in Banda Aceh are malnourished, according to a report released by the United Nations. The U.N. is describing the situation in the region as a “critical emergency.”

Sanitation was also seen as being inadequate in the refugee camps.

"It's a scary finding. Quite honestly, unless we improve water and sanitation in the camps where these children are staying, it's going to get worse," said Ali Mokdad, a U.S. researcher who coordinates the UNICEF survey team.

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